报告题目:Managing salt and water to grow crops in dry environments: some theory and three case studies
报告人:Edward Barrett-Lennard
He works in the Western Australian Department of Primary Industries and Rural Development (Principal Research Scientist), at Murdoch University (Professorial Fellow) and at The University of Western Australia (Adjunct Associate Professor). His research focuses on saline agriculture in the disciplines of soil science, plant physiology, agronomy and plant breeding. He has had major research interests in the domestication of halophytes for highly saline landscapes, and in the interaction between salinity, waterlogging and drought. He has participated in international projects with the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR) in Pakistan, Iraq, Bangladesh, India and Vietnam. A current theme of his international work is the sustainability of agriculture in the world’s mega-deltas.
报告题目:Adaptation of chickpea to terminal drought: Physiological and molecular approaches
报告人:Jiayin Pang(庞佳音)
庞佳音博士2006年获澳大利亚塔斯马尼亚大学博士学位,2007年开始就职于西澳大利亚大学及澳大利亚联邦科学与工业组织,现为西澳大利亚大学Research Fellow。近十五年来,主要从事植物生理生态研究,深入揭示了洪涝、干旱、养分胁迫等逆境条件下植物的生理生态机理,在New Phytologist, Current Opinion in Plant Biology, Plant Journal、Plant Physiology、Plant Cell Environment,Journal of Experimental Botany, Advances in Agronomy等主流期刊发表SCI论文40多篇包括第一作者19篇,英文专著章节两篇,国际会议论文20多篇。所发表的SCI论文总影响因子达168,平均影响因子为4.24,被引1250多次。任Plant Growth Regulation执行编辑(Managing editor)及Frontiers in Plant Science评审编辑(Review editor),定期为二十多种国际期刊评审稿件。